cycle- a bike loaning and recycling system

To incorporate a sustainable holistic transportation system on Tongji University we want to introduce a new concept. The CYCLE BIKEs! a unique designed bike for the students at Tongji University. But it’s not just a bike!  In our focus of creating a bigger sense of ownership and responsibility among the students towards their bikes the students get the opportunity to personalize their bike with different colors and materials.  To support the bike system we have created a service that consists of several things; styling, bike finding, service center and social media. The system also evolves that when you graduate from Tongji University, you have to return the Tongji Bike, so a new student can have it. This is how the service system is holistic and sustainable.

CREDIT:Jie yang, Frederic jensen, natascha christensen, karina larsen, helena levison, mette morch, ye yin, yuexin du | DURATION: 5 WEEKS

unsustainable biking culture


Tongji University has problems with the large amount of student and their bikes. Students like to use bike to move around campus. But it also creates some problems. They buy bikes of low quality, which makes a sad atmosphere and doesn’t inspire them to maintain their bikes. Campus employee moves the bikes around in attempt to make order which resolves to the situation that students can’t find their bikes. It all ends up with a unsustainable biking culture.


abandoned bikes

When students graduate from university, many of them just leave their bike on campus and also locked. Abandoned bikes pile up over time and become harder and harder to remove from campus. 

broken BIKES

Bikes are not well taken care of by students. When bikes are damaged, students are not interested in doing maintenance or repair their bike for small damages.

NO ownership

Most bikes on campus look very similar which sometimes makes it hard to find your bike because workers move them around to make space. For students, Bike is a tool but not associated with personal identity or lifestyle.



a sustainable bike loaning and recycling system


With the CYCLE Bike, students gets the opportunity to personalize their bike with different colors and materials. This will create a happy atmosphere in the campus, but also a sense of community, because the students will be able to recognize each other. Our focus has been to create a bigger sense of ownership and responsibility between the students and their bike. 

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the system

To support the bike system we created a service system that consists of several things; styling, bike finding, service center, bike event and social media and eventually bikes will be recycled to serve new students.


The value

Through our service system, we want the Tongji student to have a “learning by doing” experience. This will hopefully end up with a new generation of educated Tongji graduates who knows how a bike works and how you should take care of it. It will create a colorful and happy atmosphere on campus. 

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Nordic Design & Innovation Week at Bridge 8, Shanghai