Anxiety, tension, exhaustion - family members are experiencing double pressure mentally and physically during surgical waiting. In order to improve experience in this process, the designer offers necessary resources of information, energy and comfort within limited space and investment. This small package is expected to become a bridge between doctors and families, to alleviate the negative emotions, to guide families and physicians to guard the patients together, as much as to establish a harmonious doctor- patient relationship.

CREDIT:INDIVIDUAL | Duration: 10 weeks

China’s medical battleground

Chinese Doctors Becoming the Targets of Patients’ Anger

China’s hospitals are a battleground — not just for the war on illness but also for the one between physicians and their patients.Medical staff are attacked by patients or their relatives at a rate of once every two weeks per hospital, according to the China Hospital Association, Chinese news agencies reported. Meanwhile, the central government’s National Health and Family Planning Commission has announced emergency measures: Hospitals should assign one security guard per 20 beds, and guards should account for no less than 3 percent of the total medical staff.


27.3 attacks

per hospital/year

12.5% of hospitals

over 100 attacks per year


The problem of surgical waiting area

Waiting In the Uncertainty Room

Family members are likely to feel uncertain as they wait for their loved one to come out of surgery.They sit crouched forward in their uncomfortable chairs watching the door in hopes of seeing the smiling face of their surgeon with every turn of the doorknob. 

In China, the problem is even worse. In the partner hospital of our project, there is no waiting room but actually a hall way with apparently not enough chairs for people to wait. 


Key Issues

The waiting area in this hospital is always crowded with anxious people. There are 4 seats available in the waiting area, but most people choose to stand or lean on the wall. There are two bathrooms, a small cafe with expensive drinks and an information window for doctors to update to family members. People even wait in stairs and smoke there. 

Group 2.png



Unoccupied time feels longer than occupied time

→ While waiting, occasional distraction from clock watching really made time jump forward. Conversation was a very need diversion and stop people from watching the clock so frequently.

Anxiety makes waits seem longer

→ The procedures are not without risk. People run through possible scenarios and how patients would be different if a serious complication occurred. It makes family members even more anxious.

Uncertain waits seems longer than know finite waits

→ When certain expectations are provided, even longer waits become more tolerable. Providing reasonable estimation of time required for a procedure really makes a significant difference in the quality of the wait.

Solo waits seems longer than group waits

→ Having support and company in waiting room was essential. Even through for people think they are tough and able to stand on their own, one cannot underestimate the value of friends, family and clergy during hours spent in the surgical waiting area.

Limited facilities to relax and chill

→ Hospital doesn't provide enough relax areas or facility to make family member feel comfortable during the wait. It adds levels of anxiety and making family members more emotional when something unexpected happens.

Lacking of supplies

→ Family member prefer to stay outside the operation room during the procedure and not to leave anywhere. Hospital doesn't provide any supplies to accommodate their need. Surgeries can be as long as hours and they don't want to leave and miss any critical moment.


How might we make surgical waiting less stressful both physically and mentally?



Considering that we are not allowed to change the environment of waiting area or adding more seats. We provide an airbag so people can lean on the wall and rest their waist on it.



We provide a letter with critical information regards to doctor's qualification, estimated time, process, after surgery care, waiting area instructions to give confident and comfort to family members. 



Chewing gums, chocolates, tea, nuts contains nutritions that reduce mental stress and save their time for convenience store if hungry.



Stay hydrated and stay health!
